Business magazine cartoon: A splash of colour

Getting the cartoon idea straight away

Note: the number on his suit is today's date!
Star Wars cartoon: A correction of sorts

Back then Maxim paid £60 per gag, by the way. Believe it or not, there are some magazines publishing cartoons in 2007 that don't pay that much.
Political cartoon: Ten Years On
A few months into the year, I made my first sale to Maxim magazine (UK). It was about the rise of New Labour (well, kind of) who came to power in May. The Conservative Party's scare-tactic advertising slogan was, you may remember, "New Labour, new danger".
This appeared in the June 1997 issue of Maxim. The magazine has since dumped cartoons, to free up more space for naked women.
Of course, the cartoon looks pretty strange to me now, especially the character on the left. It was submitted as a photocopy of the drawing, so there's none of the touching-up in Photoshop that I would do now. Also, there was no Google Image Search then, so the New Seekers were drawn from memory! I just did an image search a moment ago, and there is not a beard to be seen. I think I may have confused them with Peter, Paul and Mary ...