"Must dash ... I want to spend some time on my social-networking websites."
Here's a cartoon from the archives, it seemed like a suitable one to illustrate a piece about Twitter and pubs.
I took part in an ultimately pointless but rather fun Twitter exercise yesterday. Someone started a topic called "Crap names for pubs", or rather #crapnamesforpubs in Twitterspeak, and it snowballed. Thousands of people contributed and at one point it was the number one "trending topic" globally! Pretty bizarre.
I submitted more than I'd care to admit to. Here are some of the Crap Names for Pubs I came up with: The Hair of the Dog and Duck, Bar Humbug, The Elephant and Another Elephant, The Red Dragon's Den, On The Waggon and Horses, The Hole in the Wallet, The Three Crap Lagers, The King's Headache, The Sticky Carpet, The Last Orders, The Rat in Me Kitchen, The Anne Boleyn's Head ... you get the idea!
Incidentally, this cartoon appeared in Private Eye in November 2007. I don't think I had even heard of Twitter then, but I was on MySpace (I have a page there but I no longer use it) and Facebook. Where will it all end?
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